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On 23rd September 2022, the Management Board of APS Energia S.A. announces the signing of an agreement between the National Centre for Research and Development and APS Energia S.A. as the consortium leader and Warsaw University of Technology as the consortium partner, for funding the project “APStorage 2.0. Modular – configurable, remotely controllable and cyber-secure, energy storage and conditioning system.”

The project will be implemented under the programme “New technologies in the field of energy”, prepared by the National Centre for Research and Development to support Poland’s achievements in climate neutrality.


The project will be funded from national funds. The total cost of implementing the Project and the total amount of eligible costs amount to PLN 43.5 million, and the granted funding amount is PLN 29 million. The project is divided into 3 phases – development of a technical-economic feasibility study, research tasks focusing on achieving a specified level of technological readiness, and tasks of an experimental development and/or pre-implementation nature, focusing on achieving the next level of technological readiness. The entitlement to obtain funding for the implementation of the next phase of the Project is conditional on obtaining a positive result in the selection process after verifying the previous phase. The period of eligibility of costs for the Project ends on the completion date of the third phase of the Project, i.e., on February 25, 2029.


The planned outcome of the Project is to develop a system with unique functional features, providing competitive advantages in the dynamically developing energy storage market.




Opublikowano: 19.01.2024

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