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APS Energia S.A. participates in the project “CNA – TIME FOR AFRICA! Building a strong position of the Cluster and its members in the African markets” funded by the European Regional Development Fund under the Smart Growth Operational Programme for 2014–2020, project number POIR.02.03.02-22-0004/19-00.

The project value is PLN 7,318,074.07. Funding amount: PLN 3,844,315.70.


The project is implemented in the years 2020–2022 by the “North-South” Logistics and Transport Cluster – an organisation uniting entrepreneurs, scientists, and local governments, holding the status of a Key National Cluster.


The project’s goal is the internationalisation of products and activation of Polish enterprises associated within the LTPP Cluster in the African markets through a range of comprehensive services supporting the introduction of their offers to African markets.


Opublikowano: 19.01.2024

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