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APS Energia S.A. has received EU funding for a research and development project titled: “Innovative 3 kV/3×400 V-380 V/24 V voltage converter for the T&T sector (energy-efficient power supply system for locomotives, carriages, and other rail vehicles).” The project aims to develop a new device and implement it in production.

Funding will be implemented under Action 1.1 “R&D projects of enterprises”, Subaction 1.1.1 “Industrial research and development works carried out by enterprises” of the Smart Growth Operational Programme.


The total value of the project is PLN 3,033,421.35. The level of granted funding, i.e., the contribution from the European Funds, is PLN 1,724,683.70, which constitutes 56.86% of the project costs.


Project objectives – development of an innovative power electronic device.


Planned outcomes – creation and verification under laboratory and real conditions of a prototype traction converter with increased energy efficiency.


APS Energia started production of power supply devices for traction in 2013. The company has used its experience in designing reliable power systems for the energy sector, as well as the oil and gas sector, to design a range of modern static converters for rolling stock traction.


Opublikowano: 19.01.2024

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