Transformerless UPS MODULA 20
UPS MODULA 20 – a modular industrial UPS of sinusoidal current consumption has been constructed on the basis of over twenty years of experience in designing and production of devices for energetics and the industry.
Product description
UPS MODULA 20 – a modular industrial UPS of sinusoidal current consumption has been constructed on the basis of over twenty years of experience in designing and production of devices for energetics and the industry.
Due to application of active IGBT rectifier, it is possible to draw sinusoidal current from a power supply and achieve a high input power factor of 0.99 at rated load. Modular design allows for power configuration from 20 to 80 kVA. This functionality allows for expansion of a power supply by further modules without the need to change dimensions of the cabinet infrastructure.
Correct operation is controlled by an automatic monitoring system of the latest generation, designed on the basis of DSP (Digital Signal Processor) microprocessor. Operation of the power supply may be monitored remotely using a delivered software or via communication interfaces in an SCADA type master system.
MODULA is intended, among others, for the following types of facilities:
- Data Center
- Industrial control systems (DCS/PLC)
- Intelligent building systems (IBS)
MODULA UPS solutions are used in sectors such as:
- Industry
- Finances and banking
- Telecommunications
- Medicine
Transformerless MODULA UPS operates in the following modes:
- Stand-alone module operation
- Parallel module operation on a common external bypass
- Parallel module operation and built-in bypasses
- Repair bypass
Technical specifications
3×400 ±10%
528 (przy 2×132 cells)
3×400 ± 1 %
20 / 16 / 0,8
< 2
< 5
> 1.01×In … < 1.1×In within 10 min
> 1.1×In … < 1.25×In within 1 min
> 1.25×In within 1 s
0.2 ind. … 0.2 cap.
2×In within 100 ms
2×In within 20 ms
< 1.25×In – long term
> 1.25×In … < 1.5×In within 10 min
> 1.5×In … 1.75×In within 1 min
> 1.75×In within 1 s
3×In within 400 ms
PL | EN | RUS | CZ
Contact us
You are welcome to contact us if you have questions or are interested in our offer.