Andrzej Baturo is an outstanding Polish photojournalist specializing in sociological photography, a representative of the so-called black reportage. APS Energia supported the publication of a book album to mark the 50th anniversary of the artist’s creative work.
The album sums up Andrzej Baturo retrospective exhibition – “50 Years of Photography”, which took place in Galeria Bielska BWA (on March 8th – April 6th, 2014). It includes an overview of the artist’s photographs – from the 50s to the contemporary years shown chronologically in the form of following documentaries: “communist”, “Poland”, “Drunk Polish”, “Polish goal,” “Becoming a soldier”, “Sobering –up station”, “School”, “Birth”. Each department is preceded by an author’s admission – description. The album also contains a critical text by Andrzej Zygmuntowicz – photographer, member of the Association of Polish Artists.
We encourage you to look through the artistic works of Andrew Baturo. For more information visit: