The “Cultural Bridges” project is about presentation of non-showed polish and russian dramas on stages in Poland and Russia. The performances are accompanied by meetings with the authors of dramas and discussions on contemporary Polish and Russian dramas. The honorary patronage of the action took ZASP – polish association of artists of theater, film, radio and television and the Polish-Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry. APS Energia joined the patrons of the project.
As part of the “Cultural Bridges”, the 6.piętro theater in Warsaw were presented the pieces “Zhanna” of Jarosława Pulinowicz, “Anna Frank” of Asya Voloshyny and “Ordinary death” and “Lessons of Love” by Irina Vaskovski. At the theater Festival Baltijskij Dom in St. Petersburg will be presented three Polish dramas: “Gardenia” of Elizabeth Familiar, “Suitcase” of Małgorzata Sikorska-Miszczuk and one drama by a young playwright recommended by the Association of Playwrights and Playwrights Polish.
An important aspect of the project is also to enable contact between polish and Russian theater creators. Thanks to meetings in the framework of “Cultural Bridges” they will be able to establish contacts and develop cooperation, providing a guarantee of the continuity of the project in the coming years.
Welcome to the performances. More info on page: http://placteatralny.eu/