ENERGETAB 2017. APS Energia won a Gold Medal for APStorage
On the first day of the 30th International Power Industry Fair ENERGETAB 2017 (12.09) APS Energia received one of the Power Engineering Oscars. The company was awarded the Gold Medal of PGE Energia Odnawialna for APStorage – energy storage with network functions controller.
APStorage is a small-scale energy storage battery. The energy storage is built modularly, meaning it can be built to be dedicated for power from a dozen of kilowatts to several megawatts. The device consists of the energy storage device (batteries), bidirectional inverter (the DC-AC and AC-DC converter) and a control system that allows the automatic execution of selected system functions. The advanced energy storage device, designed by APS Energia engineers, enables distribution system operators to address reliability issues in power supply and voltage quality in nN and SN networks.
– The design of our energy storage device is the result of innovative R & D Department solutions and the Innovation Division as well as the basic production line, which provides the inverters for guaranteed power. APStorage has been working using the innogy Stoen Operator for over a year, testing its impact on the quality of the power grid. In the future, this type of energy storage device will set the highest standards of the distribution system – said Jacek Świątek, Chief Operating Officer of APS Energia, who together with Dr. Eng. hab. Peter Biczel, Chief Innovation Officer of APS Energia is the originator of APStorage.
Apart from equipment such as APStorage, which visitors could see at the company booth, the company also prepared a “Positive Energy Storage”. It was an interactive show of energy drinks, combined with the tasting of dry ice and liquid nitrogen-based drinks and it attracted many visitors. The invited guests were given an opportunity to experience the taste of drinks such as: “Power Energy”, “Tinto de Verano APS” or “Green Energy”.
International Power Industry Fair ENERGETAB has been attracting suppliers producing high-tech equipment for generating and supplying electricity to Bielsko-Biała for 30 years. This year’s edition of the fair was attended by more than 700 exhibitors from several European and Asian countries.
APS Energia SA została założona w 1995 roku. Przez dwadzieścia dwa lata działalności firma przekształciła się w międzynarodową grupę kapitałową zatrudniającą blisko 370 osób w 7 krajach i produkującą urządzenia do przedsiębiorstw energetycznych na całym świecie. APS Energia SA jest producentem niezawodnych systemów zasilania dla energetyki, energetyki atomowej, przemysłu naftowo-gazowego, wojska i innych branż. Firma współpracuje z ośrodkami naukowymi w kraju i za granicą i projektuje indywidualne rozwiązania o najwyższych parametrach dostępnych na rynku. Spółka zapewnia kompleksową obsługę w zakresie projektowania, instalacji i konfiguracji sprzętu. Firma prowadzi serwis gwarancyjny i pogwarancyjny urządzeń, a także oferuje wsparcie profesjonalistów na każdym etapie prowadzonej inwestycji.
Anna Kwolek
PR Manager
tel.: 600 880 649